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    Useful information for Ukrainian citizens wishing to register and re-register cards for their temporary protection on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria

    Posted by Web Administrator on July 5, 2024

    Following Decision No. 54 of 25.01.2024 of the Council of Ministers to extend the period of temporary protection until 04.03.2025 and Decision No. 67 of 01.02.2024 to approve samples of registration cards, the re-registration process officially begins on the registration cards of Ukrainian citizens who wish to extend their temporary protection on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria.
    Persons who wish to renew their registration cards can go to the nearest regional directorate of the Ministry of the Interior (ODMVR); Metropolitan Directorate of Internal Affairs (SDVR) – for the city of Sofia or in the Registration and Reception Centers (ROC) of the State Agency for Refugees under the Council of Ministers (DAB under the Council of Ministers) on the territory of the country. The re-registration process will continue until 31.03.2024, after which applications will be accepted only at DAB centers at the Ministry of Education.
    We inform you that the entry of the new period of validity of the registration cards should be carried out only by employees of the DAB at the Ministry of Internal Affairs and/or the Ministry of the Interior. When issuing a new registration card, Ukrainian citizens are required to hand over their already invalid card to the registration staff.

    Pursuant to Resolution No. 69 of May 5, 2022 of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Bulgaria, health insurance for minors and minors, as well as persons of incapacitated age (women aged 63 and over and men aged 65 and over ) are borne by the state budget of the Republic of Bulgaria. If you have doubts about missing health insurance for the persons named in these groups, you should contact the territorial structures of the National Revenue Agency (NAA) or the DAB at the Ministry of Internal Affairs for assistance.


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